Monthly Disability Benefits | Types of Physical Disabilities for Social Security | SSD | SSDI | SSI

Physical Disabilities that Can Qualify for Social Security Disability Benefits

A number of different physical illness disabilities may qualify you for Social Security Disability benefits, including severe asthma, migraines, arthritis, back problems, cancer and diabetes. The presence of one or more of these physical disorders does not mean a person will automatically be classified as disabled by the Social Security Administration. Other factors, including monthly income and ability to work, are also weighed.

Anyone seeking Social Security Disability benefits must visit a licensed physician to have his or her condition evaluated. A qualified Social Security lawyer who is an expert in Social Security law can help you understand more about your disability and what options are available to you.

Social Security Disability (SSD) can help people who cannot work because of a medical condition that is expected to last at least a year. Social Security Disability Insurance only pays for total disability and provides no benefits for partial disability or for short-term disability.

With any kind of physical disability, the Social Security Administration will ask the claimant’s doctor the following questions:

1)    What is the claimant’s medical condition or physical illness?
2)    When did the medical condition or medical illness begin?
3)    How does the medical condition or medical illness limit the claimants activities?
4)    What have medical tests shown?
5)    What treatment has the claimant received for their medical illness?

Disorders of the Musculoskeletal System - Social Security Lawyers for Orthopedic Disability

Disorders of the musculoskeletal system that may qualify you for Social Security disability payments include impairments affecting your ability to walk or to perform fine or gross movements, amputation, disorders of the spine, major joint problems, fracture of major bones and severe burns.

There are many types of spinal problems such as a herniated disk, or multiple herniated disks, facet syndrome, prior back surgeries with scarring, spinal congenital problems like scoliosis, degeneration of the spine or degenerative disk disease.

If you think you may be disabled to to spinal or vertabrae problems, please submit your information to be contacted by a social security advocate today!

In order to be granted Social Security Disability or SSI benefits, disorders of the musculoskeletal system, one’s ability to walk or perform fine or gross movements must be impacted for 12 months or more. A person who is not able to walk at a reasonable pace over a sufficient distance to perform the activities of daily living may qualify.

For more on disorders of the musculoskeletal system, see the Social Security Administration website.

Disorders of the Special Senses and Speech - Social Security Lawyers for Sensory Disability or Speech Problems or Illnesses

Disorders of the special senses and speech that you may want to list on your Social Security disability application include visual disorders, blindness, hearing loss, vertigo, Ménière's disease and loss of speech. The Social Security Administration considers someone to be afflicted with "statutory blindness" if his or her vision is 20/200 or less.

For more on sensory disorders, see the Social Security Administration website.

Disorders of the Respiratory System - Social Security Lawyers for Asthma, Allergies and other Respiratory Problems

Disorders of the respiratory system that may qualify you for Supplemental Security Income or Social Security Disability Insurance include pulmonary disease, severe asthma, cystic fibrosis, Coal worker’s pneumoconiosis, bronchiectasis, tuberculosis, pulmonary heart disease and sleep-related breathing disorders.

The Social Security Administration may consider you disabled for one year following a lung transplant. For more on respiratory disorders, see the Social Security Administration website.

Disorders of the Cardiovascular System - Social Security Lawyers for Heart or Cardiovascular Problems

Disorders of the cardiovascular system that may qualify you for Social Security disability include heart disease, chronic heart failure, discomfort or pain due to myocardial ischemia, cardic syncope, disorders of the veins or arteries, and arrhythmias.

For more on cardiovascular disorders, see the Social Security Administration website.

Disorders of the Digestive System - Social Security Lawyers for Stomach, Colon or Digestive Problems

Disorders of the digestive system that may qualify you for help through Social Security disability payments include gastrointestinal hemorrhage, liver disease, chronic hepatitis B or C infection, spontaneous peritonitis, inflammatory bowel disease (IBS), short bowel syndrome and malnutrition. Digestive disorders may lead to complications, such as obstruction.

The Social Security Administration may consider you disabled for one year following a liver transplant. For more on digestive disorders, see the Social Security Administration website.

Genitourinary Disorders - Social Security Lawyers for Kidney Disease or Genitourinary Problems

If you are afflicted with any of the following genitourinary disorders you may want to consider listing them on your application for Social Security disability. These include chronic kidney disease, hypertensive renal vascular disease, diabetic nephropathy, obstructive uropathy, and hereditary nephropathies.

For more on genitourinary impairments, see the Social Security Administration website.

Disorders of the blood and lymphatic system - Social Security Lawyers for Blood Disorders & Lymphatic Disorders & Problems

Blood and lymphatic system disorders that may qualify you for Social Security disability payments if they are severe enough include chronic anemia, sickle cell disease, coagulation defects, chronic thrombocytopenia, myelofibrosis, chronic granulocytopenia, and aplastic anemias.

For more on hematological and lymphatic disorders, see the Social Security Administration website.

Skin Disorders - Social Security Lawyers for Skin Disorders & Skin Problems

If you are filing for Social Security disability and you are afflicted with any of the following skin disorders, you may want to include them on your application. These include skin disorders resulting from hereditary, congenital or acquired pathological processes.

Specific covered conditions include chronic infections of the skin or mucous membranes, ichthyosis, bullous diseases, dermatitis, malignant tumors of the skin, and burns. For more on skin disorders, see the Social Security Administration website.

Disorders of the Endocrine System - Social Security Lawyers for Endocrine Disorders & Hormone Problems

Endocrine disorders are caused by overproduction or underproduction of hormones, which causes structural or functional changes in the body. Disorders that may qualify you for Social Security disability payments include thyroid disorders, diabetes insipidus and mellitus, and hyperfunction of the adrenal cortex.

For more on endocrine disorders, see the Social Security Administration website.

Neurological disorders - Social Security Lawyers for Neurological Problems

If you are afflicted with a neurological disorder, including epilepsy, brain tumors, multiple sclerosis, myasthenia, traumatic brain injury, Lou Gehrig's disease, Parkinson's, Cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy and other degenerative diseases such as Huntington's, you may qualify for Social Security disability.

For more on neurological disorders, see the Social Security Administration website.

Malignant Cancer - Social Security Lawyers for Cancer or Cancer Treatment

Many types of cancer or malignant neoplastic diseases may qualify you for Social Security disability payments. These include lymphoma, leukemia, brain tumors, soft tissue tumors of the head and neck, metastasized sarcoma, melanoma, multiple myeloma, cancer of the thyroid or salivary glands, breast cancer, lung cancer, mesothelioma, stomach or esophageal cancer, colon cancer, liver cancer, pancreatic cancer, kidney cancer, cervical, uterine or ovarian cancer, prostate cancer and testicular cancer.

Often, for these cancers to qualify you for SSD or SSI disability, they must be classified as persistent, inoperable or recurrent or have metastasized beyond the point of origin.

For more on cancer and other malignant neoplastic diseases, see the Social Security Administration website.

Immune System Disorders - Social Security Lawyers for Immune Deficiency or Immunal Problems

If you have an immune system disorder, you may qualify for SSD or SSI. These disorders include autoimmune disorders, immune deficiency disorders and HIV. Specific disorders include systematic lupus, systematic vasculitis, inflammatory arthritis, and Sjögren’s syndrome.

For more on disorders of the immune system, see the Social Security Administration website

If you believe you may qualify due to an illness or injury, please submit your information and be contacted by a Social Security Disability Lawyer or Advocate Today!